Saturday, April 13, 2024

A Small Change in a Spelling

In the Agile Industrial Complex, the biggest factory ships a 12-page guide which they call 'Rule book'. Customers buy this Rule book from one of their numerous retail resellers.

Many customers go back to their retail reseller and complain that these rules are neither helping them to ship value faster; nor it is improving their life in any way. In all such cases, the resellers have a ready answer…  “Those Rules are left intentionally incomplete. You should experiment and adapt.”
Sometimes poor customers gather their courage and ask…If something is incomplete, how it can be called a RULE? And when something is incomplete, why do you print "DEFINITIVE Guide" on the cover page?
But asking such questions is almost blasphemy in this new religion.

Going back, when they quietly changed ‘a’gile to ‘A’gile, very few noticed it.
But that was the time when the die was cast.

That was the time when an adjective was changed to a proper noun.
And then many brands were built around that proper noun. Many smart people (I deeply respect their business acumen) spotted a huge business potential in that small spelling change. The business model was to stamp people as MASTER and demand money for that.

There were (& are) millions of folks who paid for that stamp of MASTER with its literal meaning (i.e. someone having exceptional skill, knowledge, proficiency, and authority on a subject.) Many organizations also took the stamp of MASTER with the literal meaning and spent loads of money to get their people stamped as MASTER.

It seems these days there are very few Orgs who believe in the literal meaning of MASTER. Nevertheless, they continue to hire these MASTERs to update their JIRA.

When it comes to ‘a’gility (with small case 'a'), all a team needs to know and follow is….
Collectively decide your End-Objective. 
Bite small.
Chew well.
Ship small & ship often (because Speed matters).
 Get f/b often (because Direction & Course Correction also matters).

Take collective ownership of the level of accomplishment of your End-Objective.

This is a simple approach to be an 'a'gile team.
The problem with this simple approach is, it lacks the lofty aura.
It lacks pompous theories. It lacks complexity. Naturally, very few organizations show interest in it.
Complexity & inflated mumbo-jumbo sell better in the corporate world.