Monday, April 3, 2023

Management by Magazine

I have seen intense debates over management by KRA v/s management by OKR. 
I have also heard about micromanagement, paternalistic management, management by empowerment, and management by you_name_it.

And then there is something called Management by Magazine. This is how it works.

Imagine someone who is very good at smooth talking and persuasion is traveling from Mumbai to B’lore. Before boarding the flight, since he has nothing much to do, he is browsing thru the magazine stand in the shiny book store. All these shiny bookstores at airports sell the sure shot Mantra for success in life, success in business, eradicating the competition, how to become the better of yourself, whatever you can think of.  

Our hero of this story finds a particularly attractive magazine which has a cover article about a new framework. A framework that throws new light on how to change your software-building organization. Since the article presents lots of success stories, he gets very excited. 
To top it all, this framework also has a new version. Now there is no turning back for our hero.  On the flight, our hero spends a solid 30 minutes reading that magazine (long enough to be an expert) and he is convinced that the new framework is *THE* solution for the reincarnation of their Org ( Org 2.0 as he prefers to call it).   

Our hero returns to office. Using his best abilities in smooth-talking, liberally sprinkled with the new buzzwords he had learnt in the flight, he is able to convince the top brass about this new shiny framework.

The “Org 2.0” wind start blowing in the conference rooms and in the corridors.
 Org 2.0 becomes THE topic in the cafeteria, as well as at the sutta corner. HR folks are called in and they are made the cheerleaders for Org 2.0 drive. Consultants are searched at a frantic pace. One of the consulting firms is finalized.

Now the real fun starts.
“As is” is documented through extensive interviews.
“To be” is presented in rosy sleek slide-decks.
Roadmaps are chalked out.
And this way the framework installation process begins. Installation of the latest version of that shiny framework. The journey towards Org 2.0 begins. 

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