I feel empowering people and trusting people is very important. It is very important in every walk of life, but more so in the knowledge industry where life is full of unknowns, halfknowns, and lessknowns.
Getting agreement on common End Objectives and setting up the right work culture is very important and it works well for empowering people. In fact, agreement on a common End Objective is the 1st point of my 6 point recipe for Being Agile.
But if an educated & adult person is not excited about the work, then no amount of effort and persuasion can empower that person. So, I find it completely laughable that some Orgs keep one person in the team with a full-time responsibility to EMPOWER other members in the team.
In fact there is a framework that has devised a special role for this, the person in this role will keep EMPOWERing other people. Often this person is also tasked with equally nebulous & lofty things like being the FACILITATOR. Since this person generally comes with a MASTER stamped on him, this person also starts genuinely believing that EMPOWERing people is his responsibility.
Nothing else can be far from the truth than this.
I am writing this today because I saw this video which touched a chord.
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