Monday, August 22, 2022

Making Retro Interesting

A common (actually too common) question I see from SMs is... how do I make our Retro interesting? 

Many kids do not find arithmetic interesting. 
But the teacher knows that future life will be tough for kids without knowing arithmetic. So, the teacher devises ways to make arithmetic interesting by gamification.   

But that is not the case with educated, smart, adult people working together for solving a real-world problem. 
Writing software to solve eal-world problems is inherently an interesting process.
Many teams do Retro to make this process more efficient. So the Retro itself also should be interesting.

But the question I face from countless SMs is... "how to make our Retro interesting for everybody?"

Now here is an observation. I rarely see questions like...
- How to make our market discovery interesting?
- How to make our story slicing interesting?
- How to make our testing interesting?
- How to make our feedback gathering interesting?

Are these not crucial for building good software?
But the question is always...
- How to make Retro interesting?

There could be two reasons for that.
(1) Maybe they are learning communicating / sharing adapting as they go on a day-to-day basis, rather than waiting for the iteration to get over and rather than waiting for the Retro. Hence they find Retro as a waste of time. If that is the case, then it is an ideal way to work.  

(2) Or maybe they are not interested excited proud about their work in the first place. In that case, there is no way they will find the Retro interesting despite how hard the SM (or anybody else) tries to INJECT the interest in it.

In such a case, the problem is 
much more severe & completely different. Naturally, the solution also would be different. This is so perfectly (and somewhat bluntly) described in just 2 minutes in this video

Gist for those who do not understand Hindi:
It is the DUTY of the team leader to present the end-objective to all in the team, in a very crisp and clear manner. Those members who fall in love with that end-objective, will give their best to achieve it. They will be committed to achieve it by working along with every other team member, because they understand that it is the end-objective for the entire TEAM.  
But those members who do not fall in love with that end-objective, should not be part of that team. It is not good for them, and not good for the team.

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